Meet your renters where they are

Just as your renters evolve, so does the multifamily industry. Those who fail to catch up with the trends risk losing prospects, all in the name of tech evolution. Today’s renters want a convenient, simplified renters journey. And, most importantly, they want you to meet them where they are–and that’s online.

Here are three tools you can utilize to elevate your marketing to reach renters on their terms while also simplifying the process for you on the back end. 

1. Chatbots

Apartment chatbots are gaining popularity as property managers find new and creative ways to reach prospects with less manpower. Chatbots are interactive platforms that allow users to communicate with your community in real time. They can be placed on your website and programmed to answer a multitude of questions via a conversational interface. While, inevitably, prospects will have to speak with you to solidify the lease, these bots allow you the ability to speak to several customers with minimal costs and labor on the backend during any time of day or night. 

Chatbot renters enjoy having a good majority, if not all, of their questions answered with a single engagement, whereas now, they may pass through several agents or make several different attempts to get the job done. Your rental agents will love that their repetitive inquiries are now being handled on their behalf, which could mean improved morale. Everyone saves time all the while you’re improving convenience and efficiency. Win-win!

2. Facebook Lives

A good majority of your renters are already scrolling through Facebook daily. Why not meet them here? You can leverage this tool to get social with your renters by hosting live video tours of vacant units or even Q&A sessions. You’ll be able to know exactly who you’re talking to and can track your level of engagement as well. By offering real snapshots of various units and amenities, you can easily improve your qualified traffic by weeding out those users with less interest in your property. 

3. Self-scheduling apps

Another trend that’s picking up steam across the rental industry is the usage of self-scheduled tours. This software can be easily integrated with your site to allow your customers the freedom to schedule their own tours with one of your leasing agents. Confirmations and reminders are then sent to both parties, and all you have to do is be present. Considering that the majority of many agents’ conversations are centered around tour scheduling, this enhancement will be welcomed with open arms. You’ll then have more agents available to handle other important tasks, and your prospects will welcome the power and convenience. 

Rentbot can help.

The multifamily housing market is changing with the trends. Gone are the days where an ILS post or Craigstlist listing was enough to reel your tenants into the door. Now a days, in addition to a great website, convenience and flexibility are key. The simpler the rental process, the more success you’ll experience. That’s where Rentbot comes in.

With Rentbot, your to-do list gets simplified. Our turnkey websites are designed to save you time and money. With one inclusive package, we’ll provide you with a mobile-friendly design, built-in SEO, conversion optimized layout and online rent payment and maintenance request tools to make it more convenient for you and your renters. And, if you’re looking to incorporate some additional convenience features like self-scheduling or chatbots, we’d be happy to help with that too. 

Let us help you get in front of your renters. Try a new high-performance website for your multifamily property free for 30 days.


About the Author

Jonsette Calloway joined the Rentbot team in 2015. With a background in public relations, advertising and copywriting, she has helped a multitude of clients achieve their marketing and communications goals within various fields, but she particularly enjoys working with the apartment industry.