Ranking for local SEO

Every day, millions of consumers are searching for a product or service on Google. Big surprise there, right? But, what you may not know is that while 91% of adults are using search engines to find information, 46% of Google searches are local. When your prospects embark on a local search, they’re actually more likely to convert, particularly if they are searching via a mobile device. In fact, 61% of those who search using mobile means are more likely to contact a local business if they also have a mobile website.

So, what does this mean for you as a property owner?

As the surge in voice searches continues to peak, ranking for local SEO is proving slightly more difficult. However, there are things you can do to increase your local SERP position and number of conversions. 

Claim your Google My Business profile

For starters, you can create a Google My Business page and ensure it is optimized. Local results populate for users who search for businesses within their vicinity, and those businesses that contain the most accurate and relevant information are more likely to match with similar user searches. By ensuring that all of your business details are complete, like phone, address, website, attributes, etc., you’re almost guaranteed to increase your local web traffic and boost conversions.

Leverage those online reviews

Remember, Google’s job is to serve up the most relevant and informative content possible for its users. Online reviews are actually considered part of this informative content, and, in turn, Google tends to favor sites that offer these reviews. Online reviews also help businesses appear higher in the top, featured Google search results pack. The number of reviews, diversity and frequency all play a part in determining whether or not your property makes it to the very top. In addition to featuring online reviews, you also need to be actively responding to these reviews as well. By doing so, you’re cultivating a connection with your potential prospects as well as creating even more quality, relevant content for Google to consider during searches to help you stand out in the long run. Simply put, the better the review, the higher your local ranking. 

Create a mobile-optimized website

There’s a reason why 61% of mobile searchers are more likely to visit businesses with mobile sites–they can actually access it! Simply put, having a website that does not load well on mobile devices is just bad for business. A website that is well-designed and responsive on mobile not only produces tremendous SEO benefits, but decreases bounce rates, enhances one’s overall web presence and improves customer satisfaction across the board.

Having a mobile-optimized website also improves local search, thanks to Google’s mobile-first indexing rules. Google now tends to use the mobile content version of a site for indexing and ranking. In the past, they would use the desktop version to match the relevance of the search to area businesses. This means that if your site is not designed with mobile in mind, you could be greatly impacting your ranking in local search results. 


Rentbot can help.

Each of our Rentbot sites come equipped with a built-in SEO package to ensure your property is found by your prospects first. Our targeted keyword research optimizes each page of your site to boost your organic search engine ranking. Included with every website package is ongoing maintenance with monthly reporting, so that you can always watch the magic happen in real-time. And if you’re looking for a little added boost, you can take advantage of our advanced SEO package

We have over a decade of experience improving clients’ apartment SEO-driven traffic. And because Rentbot specializes only in multifamily clients, we know the industry like the back of our hand. Let us help you get found online. Sign up for your free 30-day trial today.


About the Author

Jonsette Calloway joined the Rentbot team in 2015. With a background in public relations, advertising and copywriting, she has helped a multitude of clients achieve their marketing and communications goals within various fields, but she particularly enjoys working with the apartment industry.