Now’s the time to strike on social media

Once stay-at-home orders were implemented, social media usage began trending upwards. After all, what else is one to do but tweet, browse, post and share? As a result of this increased usage, engagement rates have begun to soar across these platforms. According to a recent Harris Poll conducted earlier this summer, between 46% and 51% of adults in the U.S were in fact using social media more since COVID-19 reared its unpleasant head. 

Given this latest news, it seems that now, more than ever before is the time to jump on the social media train full-steam ahead. And, while your website should of course remain your first love, scoring the most of your attention, social media can be a close second. Your prospects are already there. The question is–are you ready to meet them?

Here are five strategies you can use to make social media work for your digital marketing strategy.

1. Be relevant.

The first rule for social media engagement is to curate content that is relevant and specific to your target audience. So, in keeping your overall brand elements and prospects in mind, you’ll want to design a content calendar that is applicable to the lifestyle that your multifamily community can provide. Whether you are highlighting virtual resident events, new amenities, leasing deals, tours, etc., the key to finding success with these mediums is fresh, quality content. If you happen to be struggling with content ideas, looking to past or current resident reviews, performing Twitter searches around apartment living, subscribing to news feeds, or even peeping at your competition’s pages are all strategies that provide a great foundation to start. 

2. Cultivate your own “FOMO.”

The fear of missing out is real. It’s actually a proven fact that urgency creates a powerful response in the brain that sparks this concept called loss aversion. Essentially, what happens is the brain will push one to take action on something if they feel they’re about to miss out on a great opportunity. You can hack into this “FOMO” strategy with your social posts, too. Promote compelling specials or deals and set a deadline; publish your vacancies once they reach a low number; and fine-tune your copy to incorporate more urgent words, like “last chance,” “limited time,” etc. These are all great ways to elevate your conversions and catch those who may still be on the fence.

3. Make your pictures say one thousand words.

Visual elements are important for all social media platforms, and without them, you’re not going to achieve the results you’re looking for. While understanding that all of your content must stay relevant and purposeful, you’ll want to produce high-quality imagery to accompany your posts. If you don’t have the budget for a high-dollar camera, you can easily use a cell phone or even invest in a stock picture gallery online. Incorporate varying angles, positions, frames, colors, patterns, and even reflections when shooting. And, prior to uploading, be sure to resize your photos to fit within the recommended guidelines for your designated platform. Otherwise, a good portion of your photo may be cut off within the post.

4. Create a call-to-action.

So, your long-awaited prospects have finally landed on your social media page. Now, what do you want them to do? Incorporating strong call-to-actions into your posts encourages your visitors to dedicate their attention to the next action you want them to take. Make sure the call is not too complex; rather, lure them in step-by-step. After you determine which action you want your prospects to do, think of an enticing hook to reel them in. But, avoid the extreme sales pitch, as they’ll see right through it. Also, don’t shy away from encouraging your visitors to share your posts with others. Most importantly, measure the impacts of your calls-to-action. That way, you can adjust and experiment as needed.

5. Take advantage of paid ads.

Several apartment communities are pulling out of their planned social media ads right now for fear of losing out on the ROI. As this occurs, those communities that remain in the advertising game could potentially have a “leg up” on the competition. Essentially, those who invest now have the opportunity to reach more prospects at a much lower rate than pre-COVID days. So, if the budget allows, dip your toes into the social advertising pool and track your results. You may be pleasantly surprised at the performance.


Rentbot can help.

While now is truly the time to strike on social media and further engage with prospects, if you don’t have a high-quality website, nearly all of your efforts will be wasted. While your prospects are likely checking you out across multiple channels, your website should always be the priority. Not to mention, your social media content should be a direct reflection of your website. 

If you’re unsure where to start, or if you have a site that isn’t performing well, we can help. Rentbot is committed to building and supporting property management websites specifically for small and mid-sized properties. In a matter of days, we can have you up and running with a new, turnkey mobile-friendly site that is completely tailored to your property. And, with a plethora of customizable and online features, you are guaranteed to start attracting leads, converting leases and retaining tenants upon launch. And, with 24/7 web support, we’ll remain your trusted partner beyond the launch. Let’s set up a call so we can get to work. We’ll even give you 30 days to try us out for free


About the Author

Jonsette Calloway joined the Rentbot team in 2015. With a background in public relations, advertising, and copywriting, she has helped a multitude of clients achieve their marketing and communications goals within various fields, but she particularly enjoys working with the apartment industry.