All posts by Jonsette Calloway

Make these three tweaks to your landing page to boost conversions

Your landing page is your golden opportunity to persuade prospects to convert. Whether you’ve invested in Google Ads or SEO, you need a top-tier landing page to optimize conversion rates and achieve your ancillary goals. A well-thought and relevant landing page can also reduce conversion-related marketing costs in the long term.

Overall, what separates quality landing pages from their opposite is that they deliver on the promises defined in the Google Ad. Here are three things you’ll need to consider when launching your landing page. Continue reading Make these three tweaks to your landing page to boost conversions

Can you really afford to invest in Google Ads?

So, you’ve heard that Google Ads is the premier digital advertising medium for properties but are still unsure of its affordability. Don’t worry–it’s a very reasonable and common consideration. If you’re still on the fence about your investment, keep reading. 

Here’s the low down when it comes to affording Google Ads and how you can determine if it’s the best move for your property.  Continue reading Can you really afford to invest in Google Ads?

New to multifamily? Here’s what you need to know

Whether you’re new to multifamily or old to multifamily but new to marketing, here’s what you should consider when embarking on your first marketing strategy. Continue reading New to multifamily? Here’s what you need to know

Understand search intent and boost your SEO results

It’s no secret that search engine optimization can have a direct impact on one’s position in Google’s search engine results pages. By securing prime real estate on Google’s SERPs, you’re almost guaranteed to achieve greater and higher-quality leads. But, before you begin to reap the full suite of benefits that SEO offers, you’ll first need to consider user search intent.

Search intent describes one’s purpose for searching online. In the case of the apartment industry, users are likely completing searches with the plan to source new locations to live, visit a community they’ve seen or heard elsewhere, or venture back to a specific website they recently visited. No matter the reason, you can take the initiative to delve deeper into user search intent to understand your prospects better and cater your web content to their needs. Here’s how you can get started. Continue reading Understand search intent and boost your SEO results

Five rising marketing trends you’ll want to consider in 2022

I’m sure there won’t be much opposition when I say that 2021 gave us its fair share of excitement. We’ve teetered tottered in and out of lockdowns and virtual and in-person worlds too many times to count. Despite the rollercoaster of a journey the past year has been, the need to reach renters where they are has remained consistent. What has fluctuated, though, is the method by which we achieve it.

As we enter into 2022, it’s time to think more critically and strategically, taking heed to what may be coming down the pipeline, especially as it relates to the digital marketing realm. No matter your goals for the upcoming year, here’s what trends are popping up on the digital radar for 2022 and how you can incorporate them into your existing strategy.

1. Interactive content

Users now have a rising desire to own their online experiences and bypass the superfluous details in the process. As a result, moving forward, businesses will need to ensure their online content is engaging and ultimately enhances the user experience–enter interactive content. In 2022, it is anticipated that those companies who incorporate interactive content strategies into their digital marketing will be rewarded with more extended interactions, increased leads, and higher credibility. You’ll want to include tactics that create more valuable customer experiences, like quality and relevant visuals, live chat rooms, interactive tours, and more. 

2. Influencer marketing

As new social media tools emerge into the digital space and evolve, the popularity and profitability of influencer marketing continue to grow. In 2022, this trend is expected to expand, with companies looking to amplify their social content by niche-industry influencers who fit their brand. Partnerships will be stronger and more diverse than ever before, with data-driven approaches leading the investments. Multifamily properties can take advantage of influencer marketing and experience great results with increased exposure, higher leads, and more than decent ROI. Before leveraging this trend, properties should first ensure the influencer aligns with the demographic of their target renter and can seamlessly align with the community’s brand.

3. Short-form video

Video has reigned pretty high on the content scale for a while now. Its visual nature tends to revive brands in a new, unique, and captivating way. In this coming year, you’ll see more of a transition from long-form video content. In fact, 89% of global marketers plan to continue investing at the same level or higher on short-form video content this year, with 46% considering it an effective tool. This is likely why such platforms as TikTok, Snapchat, and reels have gained so much growth in such a short period of time. Apartment marketers who have yet to take advantage of short-form content will likely find it a worthwhile investment and a simple, low-effort way to promote their communities in an authentic and attractive way.

4. Virtual reality

Consumers are stepping into virtual reality spaces now more than ever before. Last year, a substantial amount of marketers experimented with the space, and 42% plan to increase investments this year, according to a 2022 Hubspot survey. These computer-generated, life-like environments are readily being adopted by real estate and home brands by way of 360-degree videos. Marketers are using the tools to provide customers with life-like views and experiences into new homes and decorated spaces. And, while equipment limitations had caused many to halt their VR efforts in the past, as more merchandise like VR glasses, headsets and apps burst into the market, this trend is projected to continue to remain on the incline.

5. Keyword optimization

Last but certainly not least, if you haven’t already put substantial effort into a search engine optimization strategy, then you’re already behind. This year will give rise to even greater importance on keyword optimization and SEO. Marketers will need to hone in on their search insights data to devise newer, more effective ways to increase page rankings on Google. This will involve deep-diving into web content, optimizing pages with search-minded keywords, in addition to optimizing videos and images to boost page speed, incorporating alt text, and strategic placement.


Rentbot can help.

What better way to kick off the new year than with a new digital marketing strategy. If you found it challenging to produce results for your property last year, we can help. In addition to designing results-driven turnkey websites for small to mid-sized property owners, we can also help boost your site on Google and optimize your property ads so that its noticed by the right searchers at the right time. 

Take advantage of our advanced SEO services and Google Ads packages and increase your traffic, score more qualified leads, and build brand trust among prospective renters. You’ll be joining a Google-certified partner with years of proven experience improving multifamily clients’ SEO-driven traffic. And, what’s better is we know this industry like the back of our hand.

If you’re ready to kickstart the new year with your website as your greatest marketing tool, schedule your free consultation, and we’ll show you how.



About the Author

Jonsette Calloway joined the Rentbot team in 2015. With a background in public relations, advertising, and copywriting, she has helped many clients achieve their marketing and communications goals within various fields, but she particularly enjoys working with the apartment industry.  

Recharge your marketing in seven days

It’s hard to believe 2022 is already here. With yet another year of the pandemic under our belts, many can probably attest to one hard truth–that a good majority of your marketing efforts have fallen to the wayside. Whether the cause was due to reduced efforts related to combating COVID crises, limited funds resulting from less traffic, or simply reprioritization, it’s likely safe to safe that a revamp is in order. 

We’ve pulled seven tips that you can tackle over the next several days to recharge your marketing and position you for a fresh start in the new year. Continue reading Recharge your marketing in seven days

Google Ads–the gift that keeps on giving

Google Ads is a cost-effective way for properties to reach prospects and break through a somewhat flooded digital online landscape. It’s the perfect holiday gift for those looking for a high-performing advertising option that offers maximum control, streamlined targeting, and continued ROI for the long haul.      Continue reading Google Ads–the gift that keeps on giving

Four ways to use your Google Ads competition to improve your success

More times than not, in this industry, you will have competitors. Though they’ll likely be there for the long haul, you do not have to always view them in a negative light. Your competition can be leveraged as tools to provide valuable insight and upgrade your digital marketing efforts. In fact, your competitor can often serve as a benefit to your Google Ads campaign, helping you to better optimize campaign performance. 

Here are four simple ways you can use your competition to your advantage, particularly for Google Ads. Continue reading Four ways to use your Google Ads competition to improve your success

It pays to rank highly on Google’s SERPs. Here’s why.

Given the emergence of search engine optimization (SEO) and paid placement advertising, securing a prime position in Google’s search engine results pages has become a pretty competitive sport. Businesses alike are all trying to finagle the most effective strategies for their website, all in efforts to achieve one goal–land a top spot at Google’s podium. And, with more than 90% of users visiting sites that appear within the first search result page, they have a good reason. 

If you’re still curious about the value of ranking highly on Google, here’s what you need to know. Continue reading It pays to rank highly on Google’s SERPs. Here’s why.

Here’s how you can create an effective digital marketing strategy in five simple steps

Many multifamily communities recognize the benefits of investing in digital channels but do not have an official plan to support this investment and effectively engage their online prospects. Starting a digital marketing strategy can seem like a daunting task at first, but once you take the time to consider your goals, audience, and channels, the less overwhelming the process will become. And, once completed, you’ll welcome the insights and clear measures on ROI that you will experience having an integrated and defined strategy in place. 

Here are five steps to developing a fully integrated digital strategy. Continue reading Here’s how you can create an effective digital marketing strategy in five simple steps